White Papers & Tools

White paper

Performance vs Prevention

Should we really choose between health and work ? Must being productive at work come at the expense of well-being? Are musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) the price to pay ?

Performance of the company vs prevention of MSDs.

Do we really have to choose between health and work? Are MSDs the cost to be paid for companies to thrive? We answer your questions in this white paper.

Table of contents :

  • Performance : Focus on ergonomic performance, economic performance, human performance, and human factors at work.
  • MSDs & Economic Challenges : What is the reality in the field? How do prevention stakeholders position themselves?

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Practical guide

MSD : Are my teams in danger?

This practical guide will help you centralize all the necessary information to assess the risk of MSDs in your company.

MSD : Is there a risk for my teams ?

Are you hesitant to implement an MSD prevention plan? Not quite sure if your company is affected by these occupational diseases?

Moovency has put together a practical guide to help you gather all the necessary information to assess the risk of MSDs in your company.

You will find the following topics covered  👇

  • Health and Safety
  • Human Resources
  • Occupational Risks
  • Interviews & Assessment

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Practical guide

Choosing the right biomechanical measurement tool

How to choose your Future biomechanical measurement tool ? Which one best fits your needs ?

Choosing your biomechanical measurement tool

Your journey towards preventing musculoskeletal disorder risks is underway, but you’re faced with a dilemma: you’re unsure how to select your biomechanical data quantification tool.
Indeed, several factors must be considered to ensure you make the right choice! With this guide, you’ll be able to more easily define your challenges and discover which tools best suit your needs. We cover…

  • Risk intensity measurement for MSDs
  • Data comparison capabilities
  • Expertise in biomechanics
  • Required level of reliability
  • Ability to interrupt operations
  • Financial resources available

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White paper

KIMEA Cloud in 8 use cases

Moovency breaks down several steps of the musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) prevention approach for you.

Managing your musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) prevention approach with KIMEA Cloud

Moovency breaks down several stages of the MSD prevention approach for you. From feeding the DUERP to maintaining your employees’ employment: you will see how KIMEA can support you in each phase of your approach… And simplify the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.

So download our whitepaper and discover how KIMEA Cloud can help you with:

  • Capturing the movements of your operators
  • Combatting absenteeism
  • Implementing a new tool for work
  • Leading a prevention policy
  • Creating a new assembly line
  • Supporting a quality improvement project
  • Maintaining your employees’ employment
  • Feeding your DUERP (Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document)

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MSD in figures

Which parts of the body are most affected by MSDs ? What is the financial impact of MSDs and on which sectors ? We tell you everything !


Establish a prevention plan

How to implement concrete measures to prevent MSDs in the workplace? The PPG (General Physical Preparation) allows you to establish a long-term action plan.

Our guides

MSD Guides

Les troubles musculosquelettiques sont la première cause de maladies professionnelles en France.

Ce guide vous apporte les clés pour développer votre compréhension sur ces pathologies qui affectent chaque jour les muscles de nombreux salariés.

Les trois niveaux d’atteintes, les différents facteurs de risques des TMS, les gains qui découlent d’une bonne démarche de prévention : vous serez en mesure de comprendre les enjeux des TMS.

The ergonomics guide

Moovency a concocté pour vous le guide de l’ergonomie afin de vous faire découvrir la discipline scientifique qui se cache derrière les troubles musculosquelettiques.

Ses origines, ses évolutions et ses différents domaines d’application : vous apprendrez tout sur cette discipline encore assez méconnue du grand public.

Le guide de l’ergonomie regroupe également les différents outils utilisés dans le quotidien des ergonomes de Moovency.

Scientific publications

Posture estimation for ergonomic analysis : Feasibility assessment using a virtual mannequin

The use of Kinect for measuring operators’ postures for ergonomic analysis is very promising. In the following article, we aimed to ensure the robustness of Kinect in conducting reliable ergonomic evaluations.

Our research has shown that using Kinect in suboptimal capture conditions frequently results in erroneous kinematic data. To conduct this experiment, we developed an evaluation method based on a virtual mannequin.

This evaluation method allowed us to test over 500,000 different postures ! Such an extensive evaluation would have been impossible with traditional protocols. The results obtained with the virtual mannequin corresponded to those obtained from measurements on a real individual.

The proposed evaluation method, described in this article, enabled us to identify postural configurations with estimation errors and simultaneously develop a measurement tool to evaluate them with high precision.

Pierre Plantard, Edouard Auvinet, Anne-Sophie Le Pierres et Franck Multon.


Validation of the ergonomic analysis method using kinect in real work situations

In this article, we present the analysis of a RULA ergonomic evaluation in real work conditions, building on previously published work on the validation of Kinect in a laboratory setting.

The results are promising: they show that the method is valid for ergonomic evaluation on a production line, reinforcing the findings of laboratory research.

Furthermore, the speed of obtaining results allows for real-time visual feedback and interactions with the operator filmed by Kinect.

This research opens the perspective for a new, more effective ergonomic analysis method in detecting musculoskeletal disorders.

Pierre Plantard, Hubert Shum, Anne-Sophie Le Pierres et Franck Multon.


The use of corrected Kinect measurements for ergonomic analysis in constrained environments

In this article, we evaluate the validity of using Kinect measurements corrected by our algorithms for ergonomic assessment.

Assessing the potential risks of musculoskeletal disorders in real workstations is a significant challenge, as the environment is often cluttered, making it difficult to evaluate the operator’s postures.

The Kinect is a promising tool for posture evaluation… However, it can sometimes provide inaccurate results, especially when there is occlusion or improper camera placement relative to the operator.

To address this issue, we proposed a solution to detect and correct inaccurate estimations of certain parts of the operator’s body using a method that employs a learning database representing a set of example postures.

Our results showed that when there is occlusion, the raw Kinect data can be significantly improved using our correction method, resulting in reliable and valid joint angles and RULA ergonomic scores.

Our study thus opens up new perspectives for establishing new fatigue and strain indexes based on continuous measurement… Unlike traditional ergonomic methods that rely on static images.

Pierre Plantard, Hubert Shum et Franck Multon


Are joint angles estimated from corrected Kinect data reliable for ergonomic assessments ?

Discover our study demonstrating the feasibility of using corrected Kinect data – to feed an inverse dynamics method – for estimating joint torques in the context of an ergonomic assessment.

Indeed, forces and joint torques are particularly relevant indicators in the biomechanical analysis of occupational risks at workstations.

Our article explores the use of corrected Kinect data and inverse dynamics to reliably estimate joint torques, even in cases of occlusion or suboptimal sensor placement.

Research shows that using depth cameras, like the Microsoft Kinect, offers promising results for real-time 3D posture measurement. The use of depth cameras is also less intrusive for operators.

Our article also demonstrates that this method could be used on-site in real conditions to assist ergonomists in their ergonomic analysis.

Pierre Plantard, Hubert Shum et Franck Multon