The “Ergonomic risk prevention” grant
To protect employees’ health, the Health Insurance – Occupational Risks division offers the “Ergonomic Risk Prevention” subsidy.
The “Ergonomic Risk Prevention” subsidy offered by Health Insurance – Occupational Risks (France) aims to reduce employees’ exposure to risks associated with significant physical constraints. This initiative is part of a comprehensive approach to strengthening the prevention of occupational risks and preserving workers’ health.
In practice, this subsidy can take various forms, such as financial assistance for the acquisition of ergonomic equipment, advice and support for adapting workstations, or training aimed at raising employees’ awareness of good ergonomic practices.
Investment fund in professional wear prevention
Established within the framework of the April 14, 2023 Law on Retirement Reform, the objective of this fund is to reduce exposure to so-called ergonomic risks and those related to significant physical constraints, in a process aimed at improving working conditions and preserving employees’ health.
Endowed by the AT/MP branch with €200 million for the year 2024, the fund will be endowed with €1 billion over a period of 5 years.
The fund targets :
– Companies under the general regime of Social Security, as well as self-employed workers who have subscribed to individual voluntary insurance against occupational accidents, commuting accidents, and occupational diseases.
– Individuals exposed to ergonomic risks engaged in a professional transition project.
– Prevention organizations in professional branches.
Prevention contract
To finance projects designed to improve your company’s health and safety conditions, you can apply for a prevention contract from your local Caisse Régionale d’Assurance Maladie – risques professionnels (Carsat, Cramif or CGSS).
The financial advance granted by your caisse to enable you to implement all or part of the action plan is paid under the conditions (criteria, deadlines and amounts) defined in conjunction with your regional caisse and described in the prevention contract.