Our capture tools

Computer vision: saving time, simplifying tasks.

Would you like to identify and assess operators’ postural constraints?
Our tool seamlessly adapts to your operational needs, utilizing computer vision and capture technology.

Whether using our KIMEA Lite depth camera or our KIMEA App mobile application on a smartphone, capturing your team’s movements is simple, enjoyable, and swift.

KIMEA Lite, our depth camera

A simple, reliable, and discreet tool

We aimed to provide the best to our clients by selecting the most optimal solution, one that combines efficiency and precision while remaining user-friendly. That’s why we opted for computer vision.

In simple terms, this technology enables a computer to detect people in images captured by a camera. Using artificial intelligence, computer vision analyzes these images to determine the positions of people’s joints in three dimensions, providing valuable visual data for you, as prevention professionals.

As a result, there’s no longer a need to outfit your teams with sensors: your footage is captured without impeding your activity, while staying closely aligned with your on-site reality.

Visualize your MSDs risks in real-time

Because it’s essential to make musculoskeletal disorder prevention understandable to everyone, our solution offers instant visibility using a universal color-coding system to highlight the most impactful movements of your operators.

Combined with our KIMEA Cloud analysis platform, your captations will be automatically sent and analyzed. Easily recreate the 3D and/or 2D skeleton of your operators and obtain real-time calculations of joint and overall risk scores using RULA/REBA methods.

From biomechanical mapping to workstation analysis, KIMEA Lite supports you in all your prevention efforts

Engage your team in an interactive manner

The prevention of musculoskeletal disorders also involves raising awareness and ensuring your teams understand the risks they may encounter in the field.

That’s why our solution is not only technical but also visual and educational. It visually represents the physical constraints experienced, thus better sensitizing the teams.

The goal: to enable an immediate awareness of the risk of MSDs, facilitate dialogue, and empower operators to take an active role in their prevention.

 KIMEA App: a prevention tool in your palm!

Accessible with a KIMEA Cloud license, our mobile app Our mobile application allows you to capture your operators’ movements in any conditions. KIMEA App.

No more need to outfit your operators with sensors or estimate postures by sight alone: our application takes care of everything. Low in hardware investment but equally effective, KIMEA App provides you with quantitative and objective data in just minutes.

For added precision in your analyses, it also comes with connected gloves, allowing you to capture your operators’ wrists movements.

Capturing with KIMEA means

Easy to use

Field capture, training sessions, support and guidance : Our team of ergonomists assists you in mastering our tools.


Enhanced team understanding through risk visualization with a universal color code, powered by a dynamic digital twin.


Real-time acquisition of initial analysis elements and physical risk assessment status. Save time to focus on analysis.

Interested in discovering our solutions ?