KIMEA Cloud, analyzing and Sustaining Your Initiatives

A cloud-based analytics platform that centralizes and capitalizes on your prevention efforts.

Streamline the implementation of your MSDs’ prevention policy with automated collection and calculation of biomechanical indicators; our KIMEA Cloud platform consolidates all your projects and collected data.

As a robust management tool, it guides you through every step of your action plan. By leveraging the obtained results, you ensure the longevity of your prevention strategy.

Drive your initiatives

Completely digitized, our KIMEA Cloud platform serves as your ultimate companion for implementing and monitoring TMS prevention actions.

As a multi-user solution seamlessly integrated with our capture tools, it securely centralizes and shares all your data.

Automatically calculated risk scores from your captures via KIMEA Lite and/or KIMEA App, track KPIs, and generate reports — all within one comprehensive tool.

Analyse your data

KIMEA Cloud integrates various TMS risk indicators, automating the calculation of physical risk scores. Leveraging industry-standard ergonomic assessment grids like RULA, REBA, NFX35-109, and NIOSH, it ensures comprehensive risks assessments.

Refine your analysis by pinpointing exposed body parts and sequences of high-risk tasks, and map risks across all workstations. Recognizing the multifactorial nature of TMS, incorporate other risk factors for a thorough analysis, resulting in a comprehensive TMS risk status report tailored to your organization.

From biomechanical mapping to workstation analysis and manual handling assessments, choose the project type that suits you, and our platform will streamline your data accordingly.

User-friendly and intuitive, KIMEA Cloud is meticulously designed to cater to your needs, saving you time and delivering objective analyses supported by concrete data.

Intuitive and user-friendly, KIMEA Cloud is designed to meet your needs, save you time, and provide objective analysis supported by data.

Reduce your MSD risk

With a KIMEA Cloud license, you have unrestricted access to your analyzed data and generated reports. Implement the adjustments and preventive actions you have defined.

Obtain before-and-after comparisons to assess the effectiveness of implemented adjustments and continuously optimize your prevention strategy over time, ensuring its sustainability.

KIMEA Cloud can also provide significant support in your regulatory processes. From feeding into the Single Document for Risk Assessment  to integration with programs offered by local health organizations, our tool provides you with the necessary supports and data to assist you on a daily basis.

All data is securely anonymized to ensure compliance with current regulations. KIMEA Cloud accompanies you at every step of your MSD’ prevention efforts.

Why choose KIMEA Cloud ?

The time to conduct a study is reduced by 7

A 33% reduction of MSD risk

Centralization of your data

Kimea App,

 KIMEA App: a prevention tool in your palm

Accessible with a KIMEA Cloud license, our mobile app Our mobile application allows you to capture your operators’ movements in any conditions. KIMEA App.

No more need to outfit your operators with sensors or estimate postures by sight alone: our application takes care of everything. Low in hardware investment but equally effective, KIMEA App provides you with quantitative and objective data in just minutes.

For added precision in your analyses, it also comes with connected gloves, allowing you to capture your operators’ wrists movements.

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