Our trainings

Raise awareness among your collaborators and help them develop their skills.

The implementation of a prevention approach is a crucial step to promote a healthy, safe, and performance-oriented work environment within your organization.

One of the key drivers relies on training and raising awareness among your employees: empower them to become active participants in their own prevention to ensure the sustainability of your prevention approach !

Discover our team of accredited ergonomics professionals (IPRP)

The alliance between domain expertise and field experience

Based in Rennes, Nancy, and Seignosse, our accredited ergonomists (IPRP – Occupational Risk Prevention Specialists) travel nationwide to support you in all your efforts to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).

Implement sustainable actions for your teams and organization to become true experts in MSD prevention.

Their goal ? Simply to make your work easier !

Our will :

Providing you with training tailored to your specific operational realities. Certified by Qualiopi, Moovency supports you in better understanding the challenges related to MSDs.

The formation

Getting started with the tools

Adopt our KIMEA tools and we will guide you in their implementation for optimal usage.

To fully leverage the benefits of our KIMEA tools in your workplace environment, our ergonomists guide you through their implementation process. From capturing gestures to uploading videos on the Cloud platform and generating reports, each step is carefully explained and tailored by our ergonomists to fit your operational realities.

With KIMEA, you can take control of your prevention efforts independently, ensuring a safer and more productive work environment.

The trainings

MSD prevention

Awareness training

Take control and become involved in preventing MSDs
Duration : 2 days - 1 theoretical day / 1 practice day

Safety Days workshop

Integrate the analysis of your activity at the heart of your prevention approach to raise awareness among your teams about the risks of MSDs.
Duration : 1/2 day

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